On my European trip in 2012 I got to experience Amsterdam for the first time. But really, there is so much to see and do in Amsterdam that I’ve still only scratched the surface. Here are 5 of the highlights from Amsterdam.
1. Try Cannabis
OK so I’m a girl and I don’t like smoking or drinking but when you are in Amsterdam it’s a good chance to try some weed and even buy cannabis seeds. Cannabis/Weed bars are everywhere so you might as well indulge into it – my boyfriend actually tried it but I just went to see the bars that sell it.

2. Canals
I loved the canals of Amsterdam, simply beautiful for a walk. And you can’t miss them – they are everywhere and you can even get a boat cruise.

3. Anne Frank’s House
Anne Frank’s House is very touristy but has to be seen to be believed. Such a history here with this lady who hid from the German Nazis during the War. A really inspiring story.

4. Red Light District
Amsterdam’s Red Light District is notoriously famous and is worth a night time stroll.

5. Cheese Museum
I love to sample different foods on my travels and Amsterdam is famous for cheese so head to the Cheese Museum for samples ands demonstrations on how the cheese is made.

So that’s my Amsterdam tips – I hope to return to Europe in December this year!