Category Archives: Netherlands

Some Smoking Experiences from my Travels

When you go backpacking round the world as a smoker, you need to be aware of the cultures you are jaunting through. For example, smoking cannabis may be perfectly acceptable in the coffee houses of Amsterdam as nobody flinches an eyelid. However the entire world is not the same. On my journeys, I’ve highlighted 5 places with different smoking related cultures.
Smoking Travel Adventures - Iran
Smoking Travel Adventures – Iran

1. Iran – Shisha Houses
Iran can be a strict country for the younger backpacker as there is no pork, no alcohol and no way to use visa or mastercard. There is also a no tolerance for illegal drugs, such as marjiuana and cocaine. However Iranians get their cool fix in a different way – these awesome Shisha Tea Houses! Well worth a trip and we loved cities like Kerman and Yazd because of this.

Smoking Shisha in Iran
Smoking Shisha in Iran

2. Bulgaria – Smoky Bars
Bulgaria is still quite an unventured country in parts especially in smaller towns and cities. One big problem can be that bars get smoky. Of course we will smell the scent of marijuana a mile off, but it’s the after smell your clothes get mainly from nicotine that is worse.

3. Colombia – Drug Central
OK so the Colombians may have a reputation for drugs, however you should be aware that some remote towns and villages have fairly laid back lifestyles due to it. Towns like Guasca and Guatavita all have their locals smoking a joint on a Saturday night, but they don’t go crazy and kill people over it. Leave the drug barons to do their ugly work while you relax with a cocktail and a reifer in the farming villages.

Cocktails and joints in rural Colombia
Cocktails and joints in rural Colombia

4. Netherlands – Amsterdam
Well I had to include Amsterdam in this list anyway as it’s the hippest place to be to smoke pot and weed on the streets in relative harmony. Pop into a smoke bar and puff the night away, you can find lots of sensi seeds and all sorts of different strengths of cannabis but don’t try to smuggle them out of the country!

Smoke Weed in Amsterdam.
Smoke Weed in Amsterdam.

5. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Despite being a Muslim country, Malaysia is fairly stringent on the laws of smoking and drinking. Kota Kinabalu is a spot of loads of bars, some shisha smoking and if you know the right contacts, you can get your fix of weed too.

So there are some smoking related tips for you on your travels. Stay safe and within the laws please!

My Travels in Netherlands: Top 5 in Amsterdam

My Travels in Netherlands: Top 5 in Amsterdam
My Travels in Netherlands: Top 5 in Amsterdam

On my European trip in 2012 I got to experience Amsterdam for the first time. But really, there is so much to see and do in Amsterdam that I’ve still only scratched the surface. Here are 5 of the highlights from Amsterdam.

1. Try Cannabis
OK so I’m a girl and I don’t like smoking or drinking but when you are in Amsterdam it’s a good chance to try some weed and even buy cannabis seeds. Cannabis/Weed bars are everywhere so you might as well indulge into it – my boyfriend actually tried it but I just went to see the bars that sell it.

Cannabis in Amsterdam.
Cannabis in Amsterdam.

2. Canals
I loved the canals of Amsterdam, simply beautiful for a walk. And you can’t miss them – they are everywhere and you can even get a boat cruise.

Canals of Amsterdam.
Canals of Amsterdam.

3. Anne Frank’s House

Anne Frank’s House is very touristy but has to be seen to be believed. Such a history here with this lady who hid from the German Nazis during the War. A really inspiring story.

Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam.
Anne Frank’s House in Amsterdam.

4. Red Light District

Amsterdam’s Red Light District is notoriously famous and is worth a night time stroll.

Red Light District, Amsterdam.
Red Light District, Amsterdam.

5. Cheese Museum

I love to sample different foods on my travels and Amsterdam is famous for cheese so head to the Cheese Museum for samples ands demonstrations on how the cheese is made.

Cheese Museum in Amsterdam.
Cheese Museum in Amsterdam.

So that’s my Amsterdam tips – I hope to return to Europe in December this year!